August 31, 2020: Maria Cramer (PhD student, Hamby Lab) was awarded the NE SARE (Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) Graduate Research Grant for her project titled “Optimizing early-season pest control in corn: untangling the contributions of neonicotinoid seed treatments, in-furrow pyrethroids, and Bt hybrids.”
July 6, 2020: Lisa Kuder (PhD candidate, vanEngelsdorp’s Lab) wins Green Technology and Urban Environment photo contest #UMDgreentech. Her research focuses on pollinator habitat along highway rights-of-way, specifically developing Best Management Practices for roadside meadow management.
April 27, 2020: Max Ferlauto (MS student, Burghardt Lab) receives 2020 Smithsonian Institute Fellow (SIFP) andJoan Mosenthal DeWind Awardee. These awards will help fund his studies into Lepidoptera conservation, with the SIFP award supporting Max's work at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center this upcoming summer.
April 7, 2020: Maggie Lewis (PhD candidate, Hamby Lab) has been awarded an Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship from the University of Maryland’s Graduate School. Maggie’s dissertation research studies various aspects of the biology and management of spotted-wing drosophila (SWD), particularly its interactions with yeasts and plant pathogenic fungi.
September 9, 2019: Aditi Dubey (PhD candidate, Hamby Lab) has been selected as an ESA Science Policy Fellow for the class of 2019-2021. The Science Policy Fellows program is a two-year active training program to teach entomologists the skills needed to successfully advocate for the discipline, focusing on federal policy in Washington D.C.
March 27, 2019: Gussie MacCracken (PhD student, Shultz Lab) has been awarded the Ann G. Wylie Dissertation Fellowship for academic year 2019-2020. This fellowship supports students with excellent qualifications who are in the latter stages of writing their dissertations.
February 1, 2019: Becca Eckert (PhD candidate, Lamp Lab) receives this year's Cosmos Scholars Grant Program. The Cosmos Scholars Grant Program will support Becca’s research, more specifically, experiments measuring the contribution of algae growing on leaves to stream macroinvertebrate growth.
April 5, 2017: Samuel Ramsey (vanEngelsdorp Lab) receives 1st place presentation award in the fourth annual University of Maryland Three-Minute Thesis (3MT) competition for his talk “Varroa Destructor: The Curious Case of the Bee Mite’s Bite”. He will represent UMD in the International competition in October.
March 27, 2017: Hanna Kahl (Hooks Lab) receives the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship for her proposal entitled, "Choosing cues: how plant associations impact pollinator and herbivore interactions."
January 11, 2017: Ph. D student Brian Lovett (St. Leger Lab) is a recipient of the Joshua E. Neimark Travel award at the 2017 American Association for the Advancement of Sciences annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.
August 28, 2015: Jonathan Wang receives 1st place presentation award at 48th Invertebrate Pathology Meeting for his talk, "A Genome Wide Association Study of Resistance to Metarhizium anisopliae."
Publications & Presentations
Hsiao-Ling Lu, Jonathan B. Wang, Markus A. Brown, Christopher Euerle & Raymond J St. Leger. July 23, 2015. Identification of Drosophila mutants affecting defense to an entomopathogenic fungus. Scientific Reports. 5:12350.